iwatemo Production Studios

Iwaizumi Junboku Furniture is delicately refined, with a unique quality in each piece of wood. One craftsman handles the entire process when making one piece of furniture. The craftsmen uses his wealth of know-ledge, regarding different woods and the techniques of furniture making, from the process of selecting raw materials to the finishing touches, when creating one single piece of furniture.

Every one of Tourai’s iwatemo porcelain products is formed by hand on a potter's wheel, so they have a gentle texture particular to handmade ceramics. They have a translucent surface and are durable. The raw material is the Amakusa porcelain clay, originating in the southern Japanese island of Kyusyu, with natural wood ash from Iwate timber as a glaze. The porcelain is fired one and a half times longer than usual, for about 25 hours in order to increase durability. Forming on the wheel is the most delicate part of the entire process.

[Iron Kettle]
Nambu Tekki Ironware has been created in Iwate since the Edo Era (16th - 19th century). There are a multitude of steps involved in the production of this ironware, from the making of molds to the finishing touch, all of which require a high technical level of care. Sankyo Kinzoku oversees all aspects of these procedures. The iwatemo kettles are newly designed products that integrate traditional processes with modern design. Once the handle is attached, the product is finished.